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Care tips for fresh cut flowers

Our care tips for long-lasting enjoyment


The basis for a long flower life is a really clean vase. Even invisible residues can cause the water quality in the vase to deteriorate quickly, as bacteria start to form more quickly. Ideally, you should clean your vases in the dishwasher. If this is not possible, clean the flower vase well with washing-up liquid and a sponge. Before arranging the flowers in the vase, you should cut them fresh again.


Cut the stems of the flowers immediately after receipt with a smooth knife, as this allows them to absorb water. Important: Please do not use scissors, as this will bruise the stems too much.

Flowers with soft stems should be cut straight (e.g. tulips, gerberas, gladioli)

Hard stems should always be cut at an angle (e.g. sunflowers, lilies, roses)

For wood and branches, first remove some of the bark and then tap the stem wide with a hammer. This breaks the membrane and the plant can absorb the water better (e.g. lilacs, hydrangeas, forsythia)

For species that contain milky sap, you should briefly hold the ends of the stem in hot water or over a match flame so that the milky sap coagulates (e.g. poppies, wolfsbane).e.g. poppies, spurges, bluebells)


Flower24 delivers each bouquet with a sachet of flowerfresh. Add the powder to the fresh water and your bouquet will be optimally supplied with important nutrients.


Bleaves in the water reduce the water quality. To ensure that the bouquet feels good over a longer period of time, you should therefore remove all leaves that could come into contact with the vase water. 


A bouquet of flowers likes it cool and dry and will thank you with longer freshness. Avoid a place in direct sunlight or near a heater, as well as near fresh fruit. 


Your bouquet needs a sufficient amount of water at all times to prevent individual flowers from drying out.

✔How to keep roses fresh

When roses droop their heads in the vase, it is unfortunately usually a sign that they have not been treated properly. Caring for cut roses is very easy and doesn't take much time. We would like to explain how you can keep your cut roses fresh so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible in 4 short rose care tips.

✔ Cutting roses correctly is half the battle

Caring for cut roses starts with transport, but probably the most important factor is cutting them before you put them in the vase. A clean cut is so important so that the roses can absorb enough nutrients and liquid through these cuts. The best way to prune roses is to use a very sharp knife to cut the end of the rose stem short and at an angle. Regular pruning also ensures a rose bunch that lasts even longer. The leaves of the flower should also be trimmed if they otherwise protrude into the water.

✔ How long do roses last in a vase?

Like us, these flowers feel most at home in a clean home. When choosing your vase, you need to consider not only your own taste, but also its cleanliness. Roses stay fresh for longer if they are exposed to as little dirt and bacteria as possible. Contamination of the vase can cause precisely this. In the worst case scenario, the dirt and bacteria that are now deposited in the water block the pipes of the flowers that are exposed after cutting, preventing them from absorbing liquid and nutrients. This can cause the rose petals to wilt more quickly and the heads to start drooping. To avoid all this, clean your vase thoroughly before you fill it. Your flowers always want a freshly cleaned vase.

✔ How long do roses last without water?

DThe best rose care tips are all useless if your cut flower doesn't get enough water. There is not much to consider. However, it is important that the water is clean, that you top it up regularly and that there are no leaves or similar in it. Roses don't like cold water, lukewarm is better, tap water is perfectly fine. The rose stems should be at least half covered with water.

Tulips are probably the most popular fresh cut flowers in spring. They come in many different colours, varieties with double and fringed flowers, short-stemmed and long-stemmed French tulips.

✔Do not place stems too deep in water

Always use a clean vase and fresh water. Tulips continue to grow as they bloom. If you only fill your vase with approx. 2 to 3 cm of water, you can delay growth a little because the stems can then absorb less water.

Use a few crumbs of our freshness agent for the vase water, which is included in our flower packs. The product inhibits bacterial growth in the water and provides the fresh tulips with nutrients.

Check the water level in the vase every day and top it up if necessary. You should change the water completely every two to three days. If you use a glass vase for your tulip arrangement, you can keep a particularly close eye on the water level.

 The right cut 

Before you place the tulips in the vase, you should remove unnecessary leaves from the lower stem area and cut the stems straight with a sharp knife. Tulip stems are not cut at an angle in order to curb the growth of the stems. 

✔ Store in a cool place at night

Do not place your vase with the spring bloomers in direct sunlight. A location without draughts and away from a fruit bowl is ideal. If you store the vase with the bouquet in a cool place at night, e.g. in the garage or cellar, the flowers will last even longer. However, the place should be protected from frost.  

✔ Do not combine tulips with daffodils

Tulips do not like flowers that release mucilage into the vase water, so a combination with daffodils is not recommended. 

✔ The newspaper trick for hanging tulip flowers

If your tulips become limp due to lack of water during transport or lack of water in the vase, wrap the tulip bouquet in newspaper, cut the stems fresh and straight and then place the bouquet in water for an hour or overnight in a cool place. The tulips should then straighten up again.

Care tips for plants

Home plants are real heroes. Not only do they look beautiful, they also improve the indoor climate in our home and make it really cosy and homely.

If you're already a plant lover, you'll know that there are so many different varieties and types of indoor plants. It's often not easy to decide.

Here are a few general tips:

✔ Watering

The following applies to watering houseplants: Avoid waterlogging at all costs! If this fails, the roots will die and the plant will no longer be able to absorb water and nutrients. It is therefore essential that you only water after you have measured the moisture content of the soil. To do this, use your finger to feel the soil moisture at a depth of a few centimetres. The soil surface has usually already dried out, but there is still sufficient moisture within a few centimetres.

✔ Leaf care

Make sure to remove dust from the plant leaves regularly. This allows the plants to breathe again. The best way to do this is to use a damp cloth or Gesal leaf care products. In the winter months in particular, the leaves should also be dusted with a little water. This counteracts the dry heating air. You should also regularly remove dry leaves and flowers. Fungi like to settle on dead plant remains.

✔ Nutrient supply

Every plant needs nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as nutrients for growth and health, so fertilise your houseplants regularly. Gesal fertilisers for green or flowering plants are specially tailored to the needs of your houseplants. A simple alternative to using liquid fertilisers are Gesal fertiliser sticks or build-up treatments. These provide your plants with all the nutrients they need in the long term.

Snaily - Dischidia - has a very special home: a real snail shell from the rice fields of Thailand. The empty snail shells are left there after the rice harvest and thus serve as an ideal second home for this decorative plant.

It has bulging leaves that are hollow on the inside, which serve as a water reservoir for the plant. The botanical name Dischidia pectinoides also comes from these hollow spaces.

From time to time, it even produces pretty little white-pink flowers. 

✔ Location: bright, warm window spot,

but without direct sunlight. 

✔ Normal room temperature

is optimal for this plant. 

✔ Dip once a week

Snaily's snail shell should be dipped in (rain)water once a week for approx. 10 minutes. Drain well afterwards. The plant does not like waterlogging.

Care instructions for orchids

With the right care, you can enjoy the flowers of your Phalaenopsis for a very long time. Did you know that you can get your Phalaenopsis to bloom again after flowering, with a rest period of around six months

✔ Temperature and light

The Phalaenopsis thrives best at a minimum night temperature of 16 °C and a maximum daytime temperature of 24 °C. The ideal daytime temperature is between 20 and 22 °C. The orchid needs plenty of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. A place on the windowsill facing east/north-east or west/south-west is ideal. Yellowing leaves can be a sign of too much direct sunlight. The dropping of flower buds or dark green leaves can indicate a possible lack of light.

✔ Water and humidity

It is best to place the pot in a bucket of water for 5-10 minutes. After that, your orchid will be able to survive without water for seven days without any problems. The natural environment of the Phalaenopsis is characterised by high humidity.

✔ Soil and fertilisation

As the loose substrate of orchids often contains few nutrients, it is best to fertilise the Phalaenopsis via the water. A special orchid fertiliser is available for this purpose. Fertilise the Phalaenopsis about twice a month from March to October.

✔ After flowering

When a Phalaenopsis has faded, you can make it bloom again. To do this, you need to cut the branch above the second "eye". The "eye" refers to a thickening on the branch. Start counting from the bottom.

Rose bushes in pots should be neither too dry nor too moist. They should be watered about twice a week.

✔ Watering recommendation: Keep the soil evenly moist

✔ Location recommendation: Bright location, avoid direct sunlight

Care instructions for your water plant

Our Water Plants are plants that you can keep permanently in a water culture at home. These water plants are grown in soil cultures. This spectacular, living water plant is created using an elaborate grafting process. It is very easy to care for: change the water completely once a week. Wash the vase thoroughly at this time. This way, you can enjoy this extraordinary creation for many years to come.

✔ Watering recommendation

Simply place in normal drinking water (not calcareous) so that all the roots are submerged and change the water regularly.

✔ Location recommendation

Light location, but not in the sun

Ant plant (Hydnophytum)

The Hydnophytum is a truly exotic plant that is now finding its way into our living spaces. This plant originates from Australia and Papua New Guinea, where it colonises the thick branches of large trees and grows on the old branches. Over time, the tuber grows to an impressive size and forms numerous chambers and channels in which stable temperatures prevail. In nature, these passages inside the tuber are often colonised by ants, which only use the cavities as the heart of their colony outdoors. In return, the small beneficial insects rid the plant of pests. The ants also leave an abundance of food waste in the bulb, which provides the plant with important nutrients. In this way, the small animals ensure the plant's well-being and promote healthy and undisturbed plant growth.

Take on the role of the hard-working protectors and give the ant plant a safe home. This exotic plant only needs a light to semi-shady location. Permanent direct sunlight will cause the plant to dry out and should be avoided. With the right care, the houseplant will produce small, white flowers, which will later produce orange berries. Due to its loose and upright growth habit, the plant can reach a height of around 40 cm. Over time, older specimens can produce a bulb with a diameter of around 25 cm. This decorative beauty develops best at temperatures above 18°C.

Care tips for fresh cut flowers

Our care tips for long-lasting enjoyment


The basis for a long flower life is a really clean vase. Even invisible residues can cause the water quality in the vase to deteriorate quickly, as bacteria start to form more quickly. Ideally, you should clean your vases in the dishwasher. If this is not possible, clean the flower vase well with washing-up liquid and a sponge. Before arranging the flowers in the vase, you should cut them fresh again.


Cut the stems of the flowers immediately after receipt with a smooth knife, as this allows them to absorb water. Important: Please do not use scissors, as this will bruise the stems too much.

Flowers with soft stems should be cut straight (e.g. tulips, gerberas, gladioli)

Hard stems should always be cut at an angle (e.g. sunflowers, lilies, roses)

For wood and branches, first remove some of the bark and then tap the stem wide with a hammer. This breaks the membrane and the plant can absorb the water better (e.g. lilacs, hydrangeas, forsythia)

For species that contain milky sap, you should briefly hold the ends of the stem in hot water or over a match flame so that the milky sap coagulates (e.g. poppies, wolfsbane).e.g. poppies, spurges, bluebells)


Flower24 delivers each bouquet with a sachet of flowerfresh. Add the powder to the fresh water and your bouquet will be optimally supplied with important nutrients.


Bleaves in the water reduce the water quality. To ensure that the bouquet feels good over a longer period of time, you should therefore remove all leaves that could come into contact with the vase water. 


A bouquet of flowers likes it cool and dry and will thank you with longer freshness. Avoid a place in direct sunlight or near a heater, as well as near fresh fruit. 


Your bouquet needs a sufficient amount of water at all times to prevent individual flowers from drying out.

✔How to keep roses fresh

When roses droop their heads in the vase, it is unfortunately usually a sign that they have not been treated properly. Caring for cut roses is very easy and doesn't take much time. We would like to explain how you can keep your cut roses fresh so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible in 4 short rose care tips.

✔ Cutting roses correctly is half the battle

Caring for cut roses starts with transport, but probably the most important factor is cutting them before you put them in the vase. A clean cut is so important so that the roses can absorb enough nutrients and liquid through these cuts. The best way to prune roses is to use a very sharp knife to cut the end of the rose stem short and at an angle. Regular pruning also ensures a rose bunch that lasts even longer. The leaves of the flower should also be trimmed if they otherwise protrude into the water.

✔ How long do roses last in a vase?

Like us, these flowers feel most at home in a clean home. When choosing your vase, you need to consider not only your own taste, but also its cleanliness. Roses stay fresh for longer if they are exposed to as little dirt and bacteria as possible. Contamination of the vase can cause precisely this. In the worst case scenario, the dirt and bacteria that are now deposited in the water block the pipes of the flowers that are exposed after cutting, preventing them from absorbing liquid and nutrients. This can cause the rose petals to wilt more quickly and the heads to start drooping. To avoid all this, clean your vase thoroughly before you fill it. Your flowers always want a freshly cleaned vase.

✔ How long do roses last without water?

DThe best rose care tips are all useless if your cut flower doesn't get enough water. There is not much to consider. However, it is important that the water is clean, that you top it up regularly and that there are no leaves or similar in it. Roses don't like cold water, lukewarm is better, tap water is perfectly fine. The rose stems should be at least half covered with water.

Tulips are probably the most popular fresh cut flowers in spring. They come in many different colours, varieties with double and fringed flowers, short-stemmed and long-stemmed French tulips.

✔Do not place stems too deep in water

Always use a clean vase and fresh water. Tulips continue to grow as they bloom. If you only fill your vase with approx. 2 to 3 cm of water, you can delay growth a little because the stems can then absorb less water.

Use a few crumbs of our freshness agent for the vase water, which is included in our flower packs. The product inhibits bacterial growth in the water and provides the fresh tulips with nutrients.

Check the water level in the vase every day and top it up if necessary. You should change the water completely every two to three days. If you use a glass vase for your tulip arrangement, you can keep a particularly close eye on the water level.

 The right cut 

Before you place the tulips in the vase, you should remove unnecessary leaves from the lower stem area and cut the stems straight with a sharp knife. Tulip stems are not cut at an angle in order to curb the growth of the stems. 

✔ Store in a cool place at night

Do not place your vase with the spring bloomers in direct sunlight. A location without draughts and away from a fruit bowl is ideal. If you store the vase with the bouquet in a cool place at night, e.g. in the garage or cellar, the flowers will last even longer. However, the place should be protected from frost.  

✔ Do not combine tulips with daffodils

Tulips do not like flowers that release mucilage into the vase water, so a combination with daffodils is not recommended. 

✔ The newspaper trick for hanging tulip flowers

If your tulips become limp due to lack of water during transport or lack of water in the vase, wrap the tulip bouquet in newspaper, cut the stems fresh and straight and then place the bouquet in water for an hour or overnight in a cool place. The tulips should then straighten up again.

Care tips for fresh cut flowers

Our care tips for long-lasting enjoyment


The basis for a long flower life is a really clean vase. Even invisible residues can cause the water quality in the vase to deteriorate quickly, as bacteria start to form more quickly. Ideally, you should clean your vases in the dishwasher. If this is not possible, clean the flower vase well with washing-up liquid and a sponge. Before arranging the flowers in the vase, you should cut them fresh again.


Cut the stems of the flowers immediately after receipt with a smooth knife, as this allows them to absorb water. Important: Please do not use scissors, as this will bruise the stems too much.

Flowers with soft stems should be cut straight (e.g. tulips, gerberas, gladioli)

Hard stems should always be cut at an angle (e.g. sunflowers, lilies, roses)

For wood and branches, first remove some of the bark and then tap the stem wide with a hammer. This breaks the membrane and the plant can absorb the water better (e.g. lilacs, hydrangeas, forsythia)

For species that contain milky sap, you should briefly hold the ends of the stem in hot water or over a match flame so that the milky sap coagulates (e.g. poppies, wolfsbane).e.g. poppies, spurges, bluebells)


Flower24 delivers each bouquet with a sachet of flowerfresh. Add the powder to the fresh water and your bouquet will be optimally supplied with important nutrients.


Bleaves in the water reduce the water quality. To ensure that the bouquet feels good over a longer period of time, you should therefore remove all leaves that could come into contact with the vase water. 


A bouquet of flowers likes it cool and dry and will thank you with longer freshness. Avoid a place in direct sunlight or near a heater, as well as near fresh fruit. 


Your bouquet needs a sufficient amount of water at all times to prevent individual flowers from drying out.

✔How to keep roses fresh

When roses droop their heads in the vase, it is unfortunately usually a sign that they have not been treated properly. Caring for cut roses is very easy and doesn't take much time. We would like to explain how you can keep your cut roses fresh so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible in 4 short rose care tips.

✔ Cutting roses correctly is half the battle

Caring for cut roses starts with transport, but probably the most important factor is cutting them before you put them in the vase. A clean cut is so important so that the roses can absorb enough nutrients and liquid through these cuts. The best way to prune roses is to use a very sharp knife to cut the end of the rose stem short and at an angle. Regular pruning also ensures a rose bunch that lasts even longer. The leaves of the flower should also be trimmed if they otherwise protrude into the water.

✔ How long do roses last in a vase?

Like us, these flowers feel most at home in a clean home. When choosing your vase, you need to consider not only your own taste, but also its cleanliness. Roses stay fresh for longer if they are exposed to as little dirt and bacteria as possible. Contamination of the vase can cause precisely this. In the worst case scenario, the dirt and bacteria that are now deposited in the water block the pipes of the flowers that are exposed after cutting, preventing them from absorbing liquid and nutrients. This can cause the rose petals to wilt more quickly and the heads to start drooping. To avoid all this, clean your vase thoroughly before you fill it. Your flowers always want a freshly cleaned vase.

✔ How long do roses last without water?

DThe best rose care tips are all useless if your cut flower doesn't get enough water. There is not much to consider. However, it is important that the water is clean, that you top it up regularly and that there are no leaves or similar in it. Roses don't like cold water, lukewarm is better, tap water is perfectly fine. The rose stems should be at least half covered with water.

Tulips are probably the most popular fresh cut flowers in spring. They come in many different colours, varieties with double and fringed flowers, short-stemmed and long-stemmed French tulips.

✔Do not place stems too deep in water

Always use a clean vase and fresh water. Tulips continue to grow as they bloom. If you only fill your vase with approx. 2 to 3 cm of water, you can delay growth a little because the stems can then absorb less water.

Use a few crumbs of our freshness agent for the vase water, which is included in our flower packs. The product inhibits bacterial growth in the water and provides the fresh tulips with nutrients.

Check the water level in the vase every day and top it up if necessary. You should change the water completely every two to three days. If you use a glass vase for your tulip arrangement, you can keep a particularly close eye on the water level.

 The right cut 

Before you place the tulips in the vase, you should remove unnecessary leaves from the lower stem area and cut the stems straight with a sharp knife. Tulip stems are not cut at an angle in order to curb the growth of the stems. 

✔ Store in a cool place at night

Do not place your vase with the spring bloomers in direct sunlight. A location without draughts and away from a fruit bowl is ideal. If you store the vase with the bouquet in a cool place at night, e.g. in the garage or cellar, the flowers will last even longer. However, the place should be protected from frost.  

✔ Do not combine tulips with daffodils

Tulips do not like flowers that release mucilage into the vase water, so a combination with daffodils is not recommended. 

✔ The newspaper trick for hanging tulip flowers

If your tulips become limp due to lack of water during transport or lack of water in the vase, wrap the tulip bouquet in newspaper, cut the stems fresh and straight and then place the bouquet in water for an hour or overnight in a cool place. The tulips should then straighten up again.